Which Animals Sleep the Most? Top 10 List


Sep 25, 2024


Koalas sleep up to 22 hours a day, resting in trees and waking only to eat eucalyptus leaves. Their low-energy diet requires extensive sleep. Native to Australia, koalas are experts at napping.

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Sloths spend 18-20 hours daily snoozing, curled up in trees. Their slow metabolism allows them to conserve energy. These arboreal mammals inhabit Central and South American rainforests.

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Armadillos sleep 16-18 hours a day, often burrowed underground. Their shell protects them from predators while they rest. Found in the Americas, armadillos are nocturnal.m to conserve energy. These arboreal mammals inhabit Central and South American rainforests.

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Bears hibernate for 5-7 months, sleeping 15-18 hours daily. During hibernation, their heart rate slows dramatically. Brown, black, and polar bears inhabit various global regions.rotects them from predators while they rest. Found in the Americas, armadillos are nocturnal.

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Domestic cats sleep 12-16 hours daily, with short periods of wakefulness. Their flexible sleep patterns adapt to owners' schedules. Felines conserve energy between hunting and play.

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Opossums sleep 12-14 hours a day, often in dens or tree cavities. Their prehensile tails aid balance and climbing. Native to the Americas, opossums are nocturnal, adapting to urban and wilderness environments.

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Hedgehogs sleep 12-14 hours daily, curled up in balls. Their spines protect them from predators while resting. Found in Africa, Europe, and Asia, hedgehogs are nocturnal.

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Tapirs sleep 10-12 hours a day, resting in dense forests. Their large size requires extended rest periods. Native to Central and South America, tapirs are herbivores.

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Owl Monkey

Owl monkeys sleep 10-12 hours daily, resting in tree cavities. Their nocturnal habits conserve energy for nighttime foraging. Found in South American rainforests.

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Lemurs sleep 9-11 hours a day, often huddled together. Their social behavior promotes group rest. Native to Madagascar, lemurs are primates.

Image Source: NewsPoint

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