Jul 1, 2023

The Amazing World Of Mangoes: History, Culture and Variety


The Sanskrit Roots Of Mango

The fruit we know as mango today has a long and rich history that traces back to the India-Burma border, where Sanskrit was the dominant language. The original name of the fruit was 'Aamra-Phalam', which means 'fruit of the mango tree'.

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The Linguistic Journey

This name evolved into 'Aam-Phal' in Hindi, and then into 'Aam-Kaay' in Tamil. The Tamil name was further modified by the Malayalam speakers as 'manga'.

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The Portuguese Influence On Mango

The name 'mango' was introduced by the Portuguese, who encountered the fruit in India and spread it to other parts of the world. The Portuguese adapted the Malayalam name 'manga' to their own pronunciation, and then passed it on to the British, who made it more widely known.

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India’s Dominance In Mango Production

India is the world’s largest producer of mangoes, earning it the title of the 'Mango Capital of the World'. India grows more mangoes than China, Thailand, Indonesia and other countries that also cultivate this fruit.

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Health Benefits Of Mango Leaves

Mango leaves contain various vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants that can help prevent and treat various conditions. Some of the benefits of mango leaves include regulating blood sugar and blood pressure, relieving anxiety, dissolving gallstones and kidney stones.

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Mangoes As National Symbols

Mangoes are not only popular among people, but also among countries. Three countries, namely India, Pakistan, and the Philippines, have declared mango as their national fruit. They recognise the cultural and economic significance of this fruit for their people.

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Benefits Of Eating Mango Peels

Mangoes are delicious fruits that are rich in phytonutrients such as carotenoids and polyphenols. These compounds can help prevent various health problems, such as constipation, arthritis, dysentery, piles, and indigestion.

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Risks of Eating Mango Peels

However, some people may be allergic to the latex and peeps that are present on the surface of the mango skin. These substances can cause dermatitis, a skin inflammation that can be itchy and painful.

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The Dangers Of Burning Mango Parts

The leaves, wood, and debris of mango trees are poisonous and should not be burned. Burning them can release harmful chemicals that can irritate your eyes and lungs. mango leaves are also toxic for cattle and should not be used as fodder.

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Why Mango Is The King Of Fruits

Mango, the King of Fruits, has many benefits and uses. It cools you down, heals you, and delights you. You can make pickles, desserts, cupcakes, ice creams, and more with it. Millions love its taste and goodness.

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