Planks vs Push-Ups: Which Exercise Is Better For You?

Jun 8, 2023 | NewsPoint

Core Strength

Planks and push-ups both strengthen the core, but planks directly target abs, obliques, and lower back, while push-ups engage the core indirectly. Incorporating both exercises ensures a well-rounded core workout.

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Upper Body Strength

Push-ups excel in building upper body strength, targeting chest, shoulders, and triceps directly. Planks engage the core, but for a comprehensive upper body workout, push-ups are the better choice.

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Full Body Engagement

Push-ups engage more muscles, including chest, shoulders, triceps, core, and legs, for comprehensive full body engagement. Planks primarily target the core. For a well-rounded workout, choose push-ups.

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Flexibility And Mobility

Planks improve flexibility and stability in the core and lower back, benefiting posture. Push-ups focus on strength rather than flexibility. If your goal is flexibility and mobility, planks are the better choice.

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Variation & Progression

Planks and push-ups offer versatile variations for continuous progression. Side planks, elevated planks, wide grip, diamond push-ups, and more provide diverse challenges. Keep your workouts effective and exciting with these exercises.

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Time Efficiency

Planks and push-ups are efficient exercises. Planks activate the core briefly, while push-ups engage multiple muscles for a quick full-body workout. Optimize your time with these effective exercises.

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Progression & Adaptability

Planks and push-ups allow progression & adaptability. Planks have side planks, plank jacks. Push-ups offer wide grip, decline variations. Both suit different fitness levels, ensuring versatility.

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Balance & Stability

Planks improve balance and stability by targeting core muscles directly. Push-ups engage the core too, but planks excel in enhancing balance and stability. Choose planks for improved stability.

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Muscle Endurance

Planks excel in muscle endurance. Holding a plank engages core muscles, building endurance. Push-ups focus on strength. For improved muscle endurance, choose planks.

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Functional Benefits

Planks offer superior functional benefits. Engaging core muscles, they enhance stability and posture for everyday movements. While push-ups build upper body strength, planks provide greater functional carryover.

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