Mar 15, 2024

Fruitful Solutions: 9 Iron-Packed Fruits To Enhance Hemoglobin Levels



Prunes or dried plums, are not only a tasty snack but also a great source of iron. They contain about 0.9 milligrams of iron per 100 grams, making them a convenient option to include in your diet.

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Apricots are rich in both vitamin C and iron, which enhances iron absorption in the body. Just one cup of dried apricots provides approximately 2.3 milligrams of iron, making them a nutritious addition to your meals or snacks.

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Dates are not only sweet and delicious but also rich in iron, providing around 0.9 milligrams of iron per 100 grams. They are versatile and can be enjoyed on their own, added to smoothies, or incorporated into baked goods for a nutritious boost.

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Raisins are a concentrated source of iron, with about 1.9 milligrams of iron per 100 grams. They make a convenient and portable snack and can also be added to cereals, salads, or trail mixes for an extra iron boost.

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Mulberries are often overlooked but are packed with nutrients, including iron. They contain approximately 1.9 milligrams of iron per 100 grams and can be enjoyed fresh or dried as a snack or added to yoghurt, oatmeal, or desserts.

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Prickly Pears

Prickly pears, also known as cactus fruit, are not only refreshing but also a good source of iron. With around 0.3 milligrams of iron per 100 grams, they make a unique addition to fruit salads, smoothies, or eaten on their own.

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Figs are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, including iron. Fresh figs contain about 0.4 milligrams of iron per 100 grams, while dried figs provide even more iron, with approximately 2 milligrams per 100 grams.

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Pomegranates are renowned for their antioxidant properties, but they also contain a fair amount of iron. One medium-sized pomegranate provides about 0.6 milligrams of iron, along with other essential nutrients.

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Guavas are not only delicious but also an excellent source of vitamin C and iron. One cup of sliced guava provides around 0.9 milligrams of iron, making it a nutritious addition to salads, smoothies, or enjoyed on its own.

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