Jul 19, 2023

BY: NewsPoint

Drinking Too Much Tea? Beware of Its Adverse Effects!

Monsoon Delight

Indulging in the comforting warmth of masala chai while it pours outside is a joyous ritual. However, beware of common mistakes that can affect your health and well-being during this cozy season.

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Antioxidant Rich

Indian tea, a quintessential beverage for all reasons and seasons, boosts immunity with its abundance of antioxidants. However, excessive tannins can reduce iron absorption, especially in vegans and vegetarians.

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Sleep Disruptor

Don't let tea steal your precious sleep! Caffeine, though milder in tea compared to coffee, inhibits melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone, leading to poor sleep quality, fatigue, impaired memory, and reduced attention span.

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Heartburn Woes

Caffeine can trigger heartburn and worsen acid reflux symptoms, negatively impacting your digestive health and causing discomfort after indulging in multiple cups of tea.

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Headache Havoc

Excessive tea consumption can lead to chronic headaches due to its high caffeine content, which may act as a trigger for these painful episodes, affecting your daily life.

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Mind The Caffeine

While tea has less caffeine than other popular caffeinated beverages, it can still cause dizziness in large doses (400–500 mg), so moderation is essential to avoid any adverse effects.

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Proper Preparation

Be mindful of the tea preparation techniques, steeping time, and ingredients used to ensure you extract maximum health benefits from your chai without any unnecessary drawbacks.

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Balance Is Key

Enjoy your tea in moderation and pair it with a well-balanced diet rich in iron and other essential nutrients to avoid nutrient deficiencies and maintain overall health and vitality.

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Substitute Wisely

Consider opting for herbal teas or decaffeinated versions for a relaxing tea-drinking experience without the potential drawbacks of caffeine, especially if you're sensitive to its effects.

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Healthier Alternatives

During the monsoon season, complement your tea with iron-rich snacks like spinach pakoras or nuts for a delightful and nourishing experience that enhances your overall well-being and keeps you cozy throughout the rainy days.

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