9 Must-Try CrossFit Movements To Boost Your Athleticism
The squat is the king of lower body exercises. It targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes while also engaging your core. Mastering the squat is crucial for developing lower body strength and improving your overall athletic performance.
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Front Squat
Similar to the squat, the front squat places more emphasis on the quadriceps and core. It's a fantastic exercise for building leg strength and stability, which are essential for CrossFit's functional movements.
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The deadlift works your posterior chain, including your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. It's a fundamental movement that mimics lifting objects from the ground, making it essential for daily activities and CrossFit workouts.
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Shoulder Press
The shoulder press is essential for building upper body strength, particularly in the shoulders, triceps, and upper chest. Strong shoulders are crucial for various CrossFit exercises, like thrusters and handstand push-ups.
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Push Press
The push press combines leg drive with the shoulder press, enabling you to lift heavier weights overhead. It's a staple movement for CrossFit, helping you excel in activities like the jerk and push jerk.
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Push Jerk
The push jerk incorporates the entire body, from your legs to your shoulders. It's a dynamic movement that improves your power and explosiveness, both valuable attributes in CrossFit workouts.
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Medicine Ball Clean
This movement combines a squat and a front squat with the added challenge of lifting a medicine ball. It enhances your overall strength, coordination, and agility, making it an excellent full-body exercise for CrossFitters.
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Sumo Deadlift High Pull
The sumo deadlift high pull combines elements of the deadlift and a high pull movement. It targets your lower back, hips, and traps, making it an essential exercise for functional strength and conditioning.
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The thruster is a compound movement that integrates a front squat with a push press. It builds full-body strength and endurance, helping you tackle CrossFit workouts that involve lifting and overhead movements.
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