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“We're like Superheroes” Cody Rhodes and LA Knight Talk About Body Types in Pro Wrestling

The profession of wrestling takes a huge toll on the physique of a particular wrestler and that is why, it is an industry built mostly around the aesthetics of one’s physique. Although other components such as athleticism, agility and charisma also play an important role in the whole package that a wrestler brings with him, over the years the debate around body types and being huge in size has picked up pace.
Now, WWE superstars Cody Rhodes and LA Knight have also given their two cents about the effects of body types in the pro wrestling business, while conversing on “What do you wanna talk about”.

Cody Rhodes has always known that a professional wrestler comes in all shapes and sizes, being the son of Dusty Rhodes . Cody also believes that while people may think that his father’s size and weight was something that made him stand out, it was always the combination of what he could do in the ring, coupled with his look and also his microphone skills. He was quoted as saying “about a talent that I knew at another company, I had said, ‘they are growing into their body and that's cool to see’” he also said “I remember people thinking that I was a toxic Outlook and because I always want to educate myself I started thinking like, is that true? Is my mind set toxic”?

On the other hand, LA Knight stated “we are like superheroes, in a way, superheroes and supervillains' ', and superheroes and supervillains don't look like slouches, and that's no offence to anybody. I am not saying don't love those people, those people deserve all the love in the world, as far as their personal life and everything, but if you are talking about excelling at something that most people cannot do, then you have to put in the effort to do the thing.” Night is correct in most parts as wrestling, as a part of sports entertainment, and all the stars involved in it, are mostly playing a character. To play certain characters, you have to look the part and for that physicality plays the most important role for the audience to believe in that character and its actions.

Knight further stated that there are people who he has met, who have an impression that wrestlers like Dusty Rhodes did not give much emphasis into their presentation, but according to him, they are wrong about this. He said for anyone it is difficult to be successful in the pro wrestling business, and not keeping their shape intact, is only going to make their life difficult in the ring. While wrestling abilities, techniques and athleticism play a very major part in a successful wrestling career, sometimes a 6 '5, 300 pound guy does have an edge over someone who is 6 feet and only 250 pounds.