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Right to Excellence 2024: Adil Hussain talks about the essence of spirituality and how it ensures overall well-being

Famous actor and theatre artist Adil Hussain was a panellist in Right to Excellence hosted by The Times of India on July 22 and spoke about the topic ‘Thriving in the Golden Years: Effective Senior Care Models for Wellbeing’. With Dr. Ananya Awasthi on the chair, Mr. Hussain shared insights about how spirituality and mindfulness help him at the age of 60.

Talking about spirituality and how he would define it, Hussain started with crediting the influence of Russian acting methods, particularly those of Konstantin Stanislavski, for shaping his approach to acting, and then life. Stanislavski’s system, which includes the ‘5 Ws’ (Who, What, When, Where, Why), not only honed his acting skills but also contributed to his personal growth. "These 5 ‘Ws’ can also help me become a better person," he noted.

Mr. Hussain also shared that his spiritual journey took a significant turn when he began reading the works of Sri Aurobindo. Through Aurobindo, Hussain understood spirituality as a quest for self-knowledge. "The quest for who I am is ongoing," he said. According to him, an important moment in his journey was meeting a mentor who, despite being younger, played a role in his spiritual awakening. The mentor helped him live a more vibrant and conscious life, and as Mr. Hussain shared “He also saved my life twice, literally”.

Talking again about spirituality, and the concentration it demands, he linked the concentration required in acting to the precision needed for flying a rocket.

Moving on was the topic of mindfulness. Mr. Hussain started by asserting that ‘nature is you’. He talked about our intrinsic connection with nature. "You are not part of nature, you are nature," he said. According to Mr. Hussain, nature provides indications of our mindfulness, guiding us back to balance when we stray. When the question of ‘Why me?’ arises, when nature tests us and we feel pained, this question often leads to deeper self-awareness and growth.

Regarding what are the ways to be more mindful, Mr. Hussain talked about the moments of greatness that we see, and during those, maintaining constant gratitude. These are for him, some signs of living mindfully.

Giving examples of his friends who are doctors, lawyers, but wanted to be something else in life, he encourages others to make the right choices now to contribute to your own emotional and mental well-being.

Dr. Ananya Awasthi then concludes the discussion with her final remarks about how age should be no bar in experiences. She urges others “If you haven't been able to make the right choices before, do it now if you can. It will contribute to your emotional and mental wellbeing.”
