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8 Ways Social Media Harms Student Mental Health and How to Reduce Its Impact

8 Ways Social Media Harms Student Mental Health and How to Reduce Its Impact

Increased Anxiety from Comparison
Constant comparison to idealized images increases anxiety and lowers self-esteem.

Focus on Personal Achievements
Encourage students to concentrate on their own growth, not others'.

Disrupted Sleep Patterns
Excessive social media usage before bed disrupts sleep and melatonin production.

Digital Curfew
Promote a no-screen rule an hour before bedtime for better sleep hygiene.

Cyberbullying and Online Harassment
Cyberbullying causes emotional distress and depression.

Reporting and Blocking Abuse
Educate students to report and block abusive behaviors online.

Decreased Face-to-Face Social Skills
Over-reliance on social media hinders real-world relationship-building skills.