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9 Reasons Why Nice Guy Finish Last All The Time

Are you a nice guy who often wonders why nice guys finish last, no matter how hard they try? It can certainly feel that way.

Instead of resenting all the girls in the world, take a moment to reflect on whether you might be the kind of nice guy that girls tend to avoid.

Yes, there are different kinds of nice guys, and many of them aren't as good as they believe. One major issue with nice guys is their frustration with the world.

Many nice guys genuinely believe the world is unfair and that all girls are dishonest. They think this because girls say they like nice guys but end up choosing bad boys over them. But is that really how things work?

# Lack of Self-Respect

Nice guys often lack self-respect. They don't mind making fun of themselves or putting themselves down and are okay with being pushed around by others.

# Overly Agreeable

Nice guys are too sweet to voice their true opinions, leading to frustration. Sometimes, they bottle up anger, which can explode unexpectedly. This is a key reason why nice guys finish last.

# Needy and Insecure

Nice guys start off as sweet and caring but can become too needy and insecure in relationships, feeling threatened by any guy who talks to their girlfriend.

# Boring

Nice guys are often not very fun because they avoid crossing into the naughty side. This makes them great friends who provide stable advice but not exciting boyfriends.

# Not Alpha Males

Great girls often want to date guys who are in control of their lives and respected by their friends. If your friends don’t respect you or listen to your opinions, it’s a sign that you might be a nice guy who gets walked over.

# Easily Manipulated

Nice guys allow themselves to be manipulated, even when they realize it. This can frustrate any girl they’re dating since nice guys often end up with the short end of the stick.

# Avoid Confrontation

Nice guys avoid defending the girl they like and try to resolve issues politely. They aren't assertive and don’t challenge others directly, instead trying to get their point across through subtle manipulation, which can be annoying.

# Weakness

Nice guys plot revenge secretly but can’t take a stand even when they know they’re right, making them appear weak. When a nice guy gets dumped, he often wishes the girl dates a bad boy who treats her poorly, hoping she'll realize how great he was.

# Hoping for Miracles

Nice guys look to the future for a better life, whether through earning more money or getting a great job, but they don't take action to change their current behavior. This is why nice guys finish last—they don’t take risks to improve their present situation.