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20 Signs Your Boyfriend is Cheating on You

No one wants to contemplate the possibility that their boyfriend might be cheating. However, it is a reality that many face. This commonality doesn't lessen the pain; it often makes it feel even worse.

Cheating is one of the most hurtful and cowardly acts in a relationship. Some people simply can't handle commitment and choose to be unfaithful.

While many boyfriends go to great lengths to hide their infidelity, there are unmistakable signs that can reveal his unfaithfulness. His guilt might occasionally cause him to slip up, giving you the chance to catch him.

It's important to note that just because your boyfriend exhibits some of these signs, it doesn't necessarily mean he's cheating. Stress, anxiety, and other factors could explain his suspicious behavior.

Nonetheless, we've compiled a list of common signs of cheating. If these signs start to accumulate, you may have a cheater on your hands.

# He puts passwords on all his devices

If he suddenly puts passwords on his phone and computer, especially when he didn't have them before, he might be hiding something. While it's not advisable to go through his things, if you notice this change and it feels like an alarm, he may be trying to keep something secret.

# He can't account for his time

If he struggles to remember where he was last Wednesday or even last night, it could be a sign he was somewhere he shouldn't have been. While it's normal to forget minor details, not being able to recall several hours of his life is suspicious.

# He suddenly starts working late

Some jobs require overtime occasionally. However, if he never worked late before and isn't bringing home extra money or a promotion, it might be worth considering that he's using work as an excuse to spend time with someone else. He might not be at work at all.

# He smells like women's perfume

If he comes home smelling like women's perfume, it's unlikely that it just happened by accident. A feminine scent that isn't yours suggests he has been close to another woman.

# He hides his text messages

If he rushes to his phone when a text comes in, pushing everything out of the way to check it, he probably has something to hide. Unless a special occasion is approaching, there's likely another reason he doesn't want you to see his messages.

# He starts accusing you of cheating

If he suddenly becomes jealous and accuses you of cheating when you have done nothing to provoke such suspicion, it could be projection. This means he's projecting his own unfaithful behavior onto you due to his guilt.

# There are strange charges on your credit card

Unexplained charges on your joint credit card or bank statement might indicate he's spending money on someone else. While it's not a definite sign of cheating, unusual expenses can signal something is going on that you don't know about.

# He lies about where he has been

If he insists he was at his friend Matt's place, but you know he wasn't, he's likely hiding his true whereabouts. Lying about his activities is a strong indication of cheating.

# He starts working out and improving himself

If he was previously comfortable with his appearance but suddenly starts hitting the gym and watching his diet, he might be trying to impress someone else. While this isn't always a sign of cheating, a sudden focus on self-improvement can be a red flag.

# He opens new financial accounts

If he suddenly has a new credit card or bank account that you didn't know about, he might be hiding something. It's not healthy to keep financial secrets in a relationship, and while he could be planning a surprise, it's wise to proceed with caution.

# He gets moody

If he used to be even-tempered but now frequently loses his temper, it could indicate stress at work or that he's cheating. Guilt can cause unpredictable behavior, making him angry and upset to justify his actions.

# He's not interested in sex anymore

A previously healthy sex life that suddenly dwindles might mean he's getting his needs met elsewhere. A lack of interest in sex with you could be a sign of infidelity.

# He immediately showers when he gets home

If he rushes to the shower as soon as he gets home and avoids you, it could be an attempt to wash away evidence of cheating. While he might just be washing off a stressful day, a sudden change in this behavior is suspicious.

# He's never around

If he starts going out frequently without inviting you, it suggests he doesn't want you interrupting something. If he used to enjoy spending time with you but now prefers to be alone, it might indicate he's cheating.

# He showers you with gifts

If he suddenly starts showering you with gifts and treating you exceptionally well, it could be a sign of guilt from cheating. Contrary to what many think, this newfound attentiveness might be an attempt to ease his conscience.

# He has a hard time sleeping

If a once-heavy sleeper now paces at night or struggles to sleep, it could be due to guilt over cheating. Stress might be a factor, but infidelity can also rob someone of their rest.

# He freaks out when you ask questions

If innocent questions like "What did you have for lunch?" provoke an angry response, it’s a red flag. Cheaters often make you feel you have no right to ask about their day, even when your questions are harmless.

# He starts calling out someone else's name in bed

While one instance might be a random dream, repeatedly calling out another woman's name suggests he may be cheating.

# He stops saying "I love you"

If he can no longer say "I love you," even if he was never overly affectionate, it’s a worrying sign. An inability to express love might indicate he’s emotionally disconnected or cheating.

# He starts closing doors when exposed

If he begins closing the door when showering or changing clothes, he might be trying to separate himself from you both physically and emotionally. This behavior can indicate he’s hiding something, such as an affair.