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Indians Pay Taxes Like England, Get Services Like Somalia: MP Raghav Chadha Criticises Union Budget 2024

Rajya Sabha MP Raghav Chadha has launched a strong critique of the Union Budget 2024 presented by the NDA government. During the general discussion in the Rajya Sabha, Chadha expressed his deep dissatisfaction with the budget, arguing that while Indians face tax rates comparable to those in England, the quality of services they receive is closer to that of Somalia. This disparity, he contends, underscores the government's failure to provide adequate public services despite high tax revenues.

Tax Burden vs. Quality of Services

Chadha highlighted the heavy tax burden placed on citizens, stating, "Over the past decade, the government has taken approximately 70–80% of people’s income through various taxes, including income tax, GST, and capital gains tax. What do we get in return?" He questioned the value of the high taxes levied on individuals, noting the perceived inadequacy of services provided by the government.

In his remarks, Chadha underscored the lack of improvement in essential services such as healthcare, transportation, and education. He rhetorically asked, “Despite paying taxes at levels similar to England, why are we receiving services akin to those in Somalia?” This question highlighted his concern over the perceived disconnect between the taxes paid by citizens and the quality of public services they receive.

Impact on BJP’s Electoral Performance

Reflecting on the BJP’s performance in recent elections, Chadha observed that the party had seen a significant reduction in its seat count. In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP secured 303 seats. However, due to growing public dissatisfaction, the party lost 18% of those seats, reducing their count to 240 in the 2024 elections. Chadha attributed this decline to economic issues, particularly those related to the government's policies and their outcomes.

Declining Rural Income

Chadha provided a detailed analysis of the economic challenges facing the country. He noted that rural income growth is at a decade-low and that real rural wages have been decreasing for the past 25 months. Additionally, he raised concerns about food inflation, the overall state of unemployment, and per capita income. Chadha highlighted that these economic issues are significant factors contributing to the BJP’s reduced seat count.

Future Electoral Projections

With a touch of sarcasm, Chadha warned that if the current economic trends persist, the BJP could face an even larger decline in future elections. He speculated that the party could potentially fall to as few as 120 seats if economic conditions continue to worsen. This prediction underscored his view that the government’s handling of economic issues could have severe consequences for its political fortunes.

Public Dissatisfaction With Budget 2024

Chadha intensified his criticism by asserting that the Union Budget 2024 has failed to satisfy any segment of society, including BJP supporters. He remarked, “Typically, some sections are pleased and others are disappointed with the budget. This time, however, the government has managed to displease everyone, even its own supporters.” This statement emphasized his belief that the budget had broadly failed to address the needs and expectations of various groups.

Analysis Of BJP’s Defeat And Recommendations

In his speech, Chadha offered an analysis of the reasons behind the BJP’s electoral defeat. He attributed the loss of seats primarily to economic failures, including issues with rural income, inflation, and unemployment. He argued that these economic challenges had contributed significantly to the party’s reduced performance in the elections.

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Chadha concluded his critique by stressing the need for better economic management. He urged the government to address critical issues such as rural income growth, food inflation, and unemployment to improve the country’s economic situation and potentially restore public confidence. His comments reflect a broader call for more effective governance and policy measures to tackle pressing economic problems and enhance the quality of public services.