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Vitamin B6 toxicity: Too much of this vitamin can cause these worrying side effects

Nutrition supplements are usually considered a health essential as they help fulfill our daily requirements of micronutrients. But in rare cases, overdosing on them can have detrimental effects on your health. Taking Vitamin B6 in excess for instance can manifest in symptoms like tingling or numbness in feet, nausea, heartburn, pain in hands and feet or even skin lesions and sensitivity to light.

Some people end up dosing more on vitamins as some of these symptoms are too similar to deficiency symptoms. If you are on a Vitamin B6 supplement and facing any or some of these health issues, you must consult your health practitioner to check for Vitamin B6 toxicity .

The US Food and Nutrition Board recommends not 100 mg of Vitamin B6 every day for adults over 19.

What is Vitamin B6 and its functions?
Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is crucial for various bodily functions including metabolism , neurotransmitter synthesis, and hemoglobin production. However, excessive intake can lead to toxicity, known as vitamin B6 toxicity or pyridoxine toxicity.

A water-soluble vitamin, Vitamin B6 is needed by humans for various functions like amino acid metabolism, neurotransmitter synthesis, hemoglobin formation, immune function et al. Our body cannot synthesize this vitamin on its own and thus we need to add this to our diet through diet or supplements.

According to the findings published in Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, Vitamin B6 helps the body produce a specific chemical messenger that inhibits impulses in the brain. The study linked this calming effect with reduced anxiety among the participants.

Taking 50 mg of Vitamin B6 daily improved PMS symptoms of depression, tiredness and irritability, as per a study published in National Institute of Health, which was conducted on 60 premenopausal women.

Symptoms of Vitamin B6 toxicity
"Symptoms of vitamin B6 toxicity typically manifest neurological ly. These include numbness, tingling sensations (paresthesia), and potentially irreversible nerve damage (neuropathy). Neuropathy can present as difficulty walking, changes in sensation, and muscle weakness, particularly in the legs. Other neurological symptoms may include difficulty coordinating movement (ataxia) and seizures, though these are less common," says Dr Nasiruddin G, Consultant-Internal Medicine, Fortis Hospital, Cunningham Road, Bengaluru.

In addition to neurological effects, vitamin B6 toxicity can cause photosensitivity, where the skin becomes more sensitive to sunlight, resulting in rash or sunburn-like symptoms with minimal sun exposure.

Digestive disturbances such as nausea, heartburn, and sensitivity to acidic foods may also occur.

Reasons for Vitamin B6 toxicity
The tolerable upper intake level (UL) for Vitamin B6 is 100 mg per day for adults. Toxicity is more likely to occur with long-term supplementation at doses exceeding this UL. High intake is often from supplements, as vitamin B6 from food sources like poultry, fish, and vegetables is generally well-regulated by the body.

Can Vitamin B6 toxicity be treated?
Treatment for Vitamin B6 toxicity involves discontinuing supplements and managing symptoms. In severe cases, medical intervention may be necessary to alleviate neurological symptoms.