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Chainsaw Man Chapter 172 Review: The Ear Devil Gets Consumed!

What a chapter this was!! I certainly did not see that coming! Chainsaw Man chapter 172 introduced us to the true horrors of the Chainsaw Devil, that is the black Chainsaw Man.

We all knew that anything the Chainsaw Devil consumes will be erased from existence. This was established back in part 1 of the manga itself. However, it is only in the latest chapter that we readers get a glimpse of how horrifying the power is.

I call it horrifying because there is no rhyme or reason as to what will happen if the Chainsaw Devil goes on a rampage.

In chapter 172 we saw that the Chainsaw Man consumed the Ear Devil. And this has caused huge repercussions within the CSM universe.

Not only did people lose their ears, but also the hearing ability along with it. It needs to be seen how Fujimoto will handle this big change in the upcoming chapters.

That said, the panel where the Ear Devil gets consumed has to be one of the best and spookiest we got since the Darkness Devil’s intro. Fujimoto nailed the devilish aura with the art!! Pretty sure we are going to get a lot of artworks in the coming days.

Chainsaw Man chapter 172 was a quick read, as usual. The fight scenes were drawn the classic Fujimoto style and it almost seemed like a callback to the final arc of part 1. Are we in the final arc of part 2?

In my previous chapter review, I had mentioned that the characters that Fujimoto had painstakingly designed (probably), won’t last long. My prediction came true. I mean, the entire fandom knew this was going to happen.

Within the first five pages of CSM 172, special division 5 had been exterminated. And special division 6 too got a similar treatment in the following pages.

Their biggest achievement? Getting the Chainsaw Man to bleed. The Division 6 head mentions this multiple times. Probably because the Public Safety plan to do something with it? Or the mere fact that they were able to make the Hero of Hell bleed was a big enough feat for them?

I wonder who would the Public Safety send to handle the Chainsaw Man next? Will we finally see Kishibe? Maybe I am hoping for too much. Most likely Quanxi and even Yoshida might make an appearance again. Quanxi probably should have recovered by now, and well, Yoshida has been absent for a while!

Here’s where an interesting point comes into picture.

When I first read the chapter I felt as if the Chainsaw Devil had randomly eaten the Ear Devil. The Ear Devil was a member of the Special Division 5. Fujimoto just sneaked it there.

However, when we take a closer look, the Chainsaw Devil only went ahead to eat the Ear Devil after taking out Special Division 6. A possible reason could be because it saw the Public Safety officers communicating via their walkie talkies.

Eating the Ear Devil could be Pochita’s way of hindering the Public Safety’s efforts by taking down their communications. But, this act has not just left the Public Safety in the lurch, but the entire population.

Was Fujimoto just tired of drawing ears, as some are saying?

Even so, an important question begs to be asked. Why did the Public Safety send a devil like Ear, which is connected to the five senses, to fight the black Chainsaw Man? Was it a mere oversight on their part, or was this a move that they were expecting.

The Public Safety officer who communicated that Chainsaw Devil was going to eat the Ear also seems to raise some suspicions. He seemed too calm and collected even as the events transpired in front of him.

Remember how the sound of the Chainsaw Man’s saws instill fear in the hearts of his opponents. And how this fear plays an important role in how strong the Chainsaw Man is? Well, a theory suggests that Public Safety could have planned out this whole move in order to make people lose their hearing, so that they no longer would fear the saws.

The title of chapter 172 – Buzz! Boom! Chomp! could be a hint to this? Maybe. I don’t know for sure.

Katana Man and Yoru’s exchange at the end of the chapter gives a hint of what is set to follow in the next chapters probably. Yoru realizes that something is different. Probably Katana man too.

However, neither of them are able to hear each other. Will the others be able to deduce that they have lost their hearing. Or will they completely forget the concept of ears and hearing.

Based on what Makima said in chapter, the Chainsaw Man’s powers are something that humans won’t be able to perceive.

As of now, ears and hearing have been erased from the past, present and memories of every individual.

The only exception would be devils and maybe hybrids? As I said, we’ll have to wait and see how the situation will unfold.

What are your thoughts on Chainsaw Man chapter 172? Let me know in the comments below!