What is a twin flame? 5 signs you've already met your love

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Recently met someone special and the chemistry is off the charts? Yes, we are talking about a connection that was instantaneous, something you frankly can't even put into words. Well, lucky for you! You may have found your twin flame! If you are unfamiliar with the concept, keep reading to learn what twin flame astrology is all about.

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What is a twin flame?

Twin flames, also called 'mirror souls' are people who share an intense soul connection and are believed to be each other's other half. While twin flame astrology has gained popularity in recent years, the concept actually dates back to ancient times. In fact, it was the Greek philosopher Plato, who first talked about twin flames in his text. Astrologically speaking, a twin flame is someone you share a deep spiritual connection which goes far beyond what you may have felt with your soulmate. Yes, they are different! Even though both share similarities such as magnetic, passionate and relatively quick-forming connections, the key difference is in the theory.


According to astrology, soulmates are two souls that are linked with each other through a deep connection while twin flames are actually two halves of one single soul. Because of this, you can have multiple soulmates in your lifetime, but a twin flame, that's just the one! If you thought finding your soulmate was rare, imagine what a twin flame connection would be. Let's delve deeper to understand the signs that you've already met your twin flame.

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Signs you've met your twin flame 1) Instant attraction and recognition


When you first met, there was an instant attraction, an almost irresistible bond. Accompanying all the sparks that were flying, there was a feeling of recognition, a calm settled over you as you've finally found someone or something that you didn't even know you were searching for.

2) Both of you are very similar

Looking at your twin flame will make you feel as if you are looking in the mirror. That's not necessarily because you look alike but because there are uncanny commonalities in your likes, dislikes, interests, hobbies thoughts and beliefs and sometimes even your past experiences.

3) You have an almost psychic connection


A glance, a movement of the eye or a particular smile is all you need to communicate. You are able to accurately discern what the other is thinking or feeling at any given moment, without them having to explicitly tell you.

4) You complete each other

In the areas that you are not similar, you'll discover that your differences actually complement each other, almost like yin and yang. Where you feel short, the other fills right in, like a mirror image.

5) Your relationship is turbulent


If you are already in a relationship with them, you'll realise it's not all sunny skies. Twin flame relationships come with their own set of turbulent challenges. Since they know you so well and are so similar to you, you'll constantly feel as if you are being confronted with yourself along with the parts that you don't particularly like about yourself.

Twin flame relations and magnetic and intense connections. Even though these relationships are oftentimes challenging, they are known to be the most rewarding ones with your partner constantly encouraging you and pushing you to be a better version of yourself.

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